Nicely done FHN. You derailed the argument into an unrelated appeal to emotion, the very thing of which you accused me.
Just because Adam, as a man, didn't pop out babies doesn’t mean he lacks the sympathy to comment on the matter, whether or not I ever had children is irrelevant, and using more accurate terms (like fetus) is never wrong. (For the record, I have two daughters; one is a tech corporation financial analyst/rising data scientist, and the other is a San Diego prosecutor).
While Agrophonos and I disagree about when life begins, I very much appreciate that he (I assume he) made well-reasoned, logical arguments, which adds to this very important discussion that we, as a society, need to have.
However, indulging you, of course pregnant women refer their fetuses as babies; they carry the child within them and have a personal relationship with it. Physicians defer to their emotional ties and call them babies too. Then, these same physicians refer to the “fetus” in the medical record because that is the correct term. The term wasn’t invented to denigrate but is used to distinguish between “babies” that are inside the womb as opposed to outside! Yes, FHN, your doctors were humoring you, which is part of good patient care. Nevertheless, why are you afraid to use the correct term? Could it be that your arguments lack substance so must appeal to the emotion-laden term “baby”?
So, back to some of the real issues, using correct terms:
State’s rights v. personal/family rights
Who has the right to decide what happens to a dead woman’s body, the state or the next of kin?
If the dead woman is pregnant, should the state be able to force the father to be a single parent?
Do the dead woman’s wishes matter legally, and if so, how much?
If they don’t, should they?
If the medical status of the fetus is unknown, should the state be able to force the father to shoulder the burden of carrying emotionally, financially, and physically for a possibly severely disabled child?
Do the rights of already born, living siblings and their present and future welfare factor into the equation?
Medical Science & Ethics
When does life being?
Is there a difference between allowing a parent to abort a possibly defective fetus based on a genetic testing and allowing a father to remove his wife’s body from life support, thereby allowing a possibly defective fetus to die?
Do the rights of the autonomous trump the rights of unborn, or do the rights of the unborn trump the rights of the autonomous?
Aaaand there are more.
With all these weighty issues, you want to derail the discussion into whether we should use babies v. fetus?
Sorry, but I cannot share the "warm glow of motherhood" experience with you (in a thread about a dead woman, no less)?
Adam, your gallows humor caused me to almost spit out my coffee laughing . . . We should have drinks…